Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Feed em' grass

The Perennial Plate Episode 23: Thousand Hills from Daniel Klein on Vimeo.

Since Koen was born both my husband and I have really changed the way we look at our lifestyle and eating habits. What I put into my body and feed my family is important and I care about what is in it, where it comes from and how it is made. I really appreciate what this rancher is trying to do, and I hope that more and more ranchers follow his lead. Here in America we eat a lot of beef. Let me throw out some numbers just to give you an idea. An average American eats about 67 pounds of beef annually. There are about 305,000,000 people in the U.S. Discounting 7.8 million for all the vegetarians/vegans in the U.S., and maybe even another 22.8 million for "vegetarian-inclined" Americans, that totals to about 20,404,400,000 pounds of beef annually. That is a lot of beef. That is a mind blowing amount of beef. So with beef in such high demand doesn't it just make sense to do what we can to ensure the meat we raise and eat is healthy? I'm going with yes.

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