Thursday, March 31, 2011

Not down with the sickness

The plague has stricken our household as of late, and not just once but several times. Need I say that I am less than thrilled about it. But during the course of it all it got me thinking of good cold remedies or just things that make you feel better when the sickness has got you down.
Hot tea with honey just like Grammy use to make. I prefer a green tea but what ever strikes your fancy. The honey is particularly nice for the sore throat and a cough.
Now these little guys are awesome, I am not an herbal freak by any means but a good friend turned me on to these many years ago (Thank you Robin) and to this day I keep a bottle in my medicine cabinet. You can take one everyday or you can load up on them if you feel yourself getting sick.

But of course I am always a fan of the cuddle up on the couch with my favorite blanket and a good scary movie with my cup o' Tea. But I am always up for new suggestions and could probably even use some right about now. Please feel free to pass any get well quick remedies my way!


  1. When I was sick, flat 7-up and saltine crackers were what I loved. I always had this pair of pajamas I used to put on. They had little bunnies skiing downhill on carrots. Always such a comfort =]

    Hope this sickness goes away soon!!

  2. 7-up and saltines are a winner! and nothing is better than your favorite comfy pj's :) thanks Marcie!
